Lei Acupuncture & Herb, TCM, Sunnyvale, South Bay
Lei Acupuncture & Herb, TCM, Sunnyvale, South Bay
YANHUANG TCM 炎黄中医研治中心 Lei Acupuncture & Herb, Traditional Chinese Medicine
  YANHUANG TCM             炎黄中医研治中心  Lei Acupuncture & Herb, Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture, in combination with Chinese Herbs, have been applied to improve on patients' overall health and help with a wide variety of other diseases/disorders, some of which are notoriously hard to pin down the root cause for.


Simple Obesity

Obesity refers to a disorder due to accumulation of fat in the body resulting from biochemical and physiological functional changes. Clinically body weight increase by 20% more than the standard level, and usually accompanied by abnormal changes of appetite and sleep, sweating, dry mouth, and abnormal stool is generally diagnosed as obesity. Chinese Medicine believes that obesity is mainly due to disorder of the spleen and stomach as well as dysfunction of defensive qi. The pathological changes are disturbances of yin-yang and qi-blood, namely, blood excess and qi deficiency, yin superiority and yang inferiority. While if insufficiency of water and transformation of qi, obesity may also occur.



Insomnia refers to an illness often unable to have normal sleep. It is marked by difficulty to sleep, or easiness to wake up, or inability to sleep after waking up, or sleep and awakening alternatively or even no sleep all night. Insomnia often occurs together with headache, dizziness, palpitation and amnesia. It is usually caused by anxiety, overstrain, emotional upsets, weakness and prolonged duration of illness, and improper diet, which lead to dysfunction of the heart, liver, spleen and kidney as well as deficiency of yin-blood, as a result, the heart-spirit is affected. Insomnia is mainly seen in neurosis in modern medicine.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a group of syndromes whose etiology is unknown, without any organic change checked by various modern technique means and lasting for more than half an year. It is characterized by chronic and recurrent episodes of extremely tired sensation. It is usually manifests as “headache”, “insomnia”, “palpitation”, “melancholy”, “vertigo” and “fatigue” in Chinese Medicine, and related to pathological changes of the liver, spleen and kidney.


Patient’s clinical manifestations are fatigues of nervous system, cardiovascular system, skeletal muscular system (exclusion of tumor, autoimmune disease, local infection, chronic mental disorder, neuromuscular disorder and endocrine disease) for more than half a year. It may be marked by slight fever, dizziness and vertigo, muscular debility or pain, pharyngalgia, aching of lymph glands of neck or isthmus of fauces, insomnia, amnesia, mental depression, anxiety, emotional instability, impaired connection. Bed rest can not relieve the symptoms, which may affect normal life and work.



Hemorrhoids, a commonly encountered chronic disease, refers to a soft venous ball formed by dilation and varicosis of the rectal venous plexus blow the mucous membrane of the rectal end and below the skin of the anal canal. It is divided as internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids according to the location. In Chinese Medicine, it is believed to be caused by prolonged sitting, overloading, long distance walking, multiparity, excessive intake of pungent and greasy foods, prolonged diarrhea, and constipation, which lead to looseness of tendons and vessels, interior accumulation of damp-heat, stagnancy of qi and blood in the lower part of the body.


High Fever

High fever refers generally to body temperate over 39, usually seen in acute infection, acute infectious disease and heat-stroke, often accompanied by coma and spasm. This disease belongs to the categories of “high fever” and “excess heat” in Chinese Medicine. Many reasons may result in high fever, however, only exogenous contraction factors are introduced here. It is caused by exogenous wind-heat, leading to impairment of purifying and descending function of the lung and failure of defensive qi to disperse; or by internal invasion of pathogenic warm unrelieved in the exterior into qi system, nutrient blood system and the pericardium, leading to conflict between evil qi and vital qi.


Diaphragmatic Spasm

Diaphragmatic spasm refers to involuntary and intermittent contraction of the diaphragm caused by stimulation of diaphragmatic nerve from several factors. The clinical presentations are frequent sound from the throat which can’t be controlled, influencing talking and, chewing, respiration and sleep. It is called “hicough” and “hiccup” and now publicly known as “giving out a sound from the throat” in Chinese Medicine. It is usually caused by improper diet, or liver depression and qi stagnancy, or deficiency of the spleen yang, resulting in the failure of stomach-qi to descend, and adversely rise to diaphragm, hence adverse flow of qi activity.


Reaction to Radiotherapy and Chemotheraphy

The radiotherapy and chemotherapy, just like surgical operation are the main methods to treat malignant tumors. However, they usually bring some adverse reactions locally or generally to the patient during or after the treatment, such as dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, hematopoietic, immune hypofunction and impairment of the local organs and skin, which are called reaction of radiotherapy or chemotherapy. This disease is manifested by reaction of digestive tract like nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, ect; reaction of the skin like epilation, dermatitis, uclear, macular eruption and desquamation; as well as general reaction like lassitude, dizziness, insomnia and baldness.


Smoke Stopping

Smoke stopping means to eliminate the addiction to tobacco and the symptoms from stoppage of smoking, such as general weakness and irritability. In Chinese Medicine, it is believed that smoking can affect the heart, pericardium, lung, spleen and stomach, especially result in disorder of lung qi.


CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS: Addiction to smoking, glad and comfortable feeling on smoking. Smokers with addiction may smoke several cigarettes a day or even several packs of cigarettes a day. Usually, smokers with addition have a history of smoking for half a year or even one year and are dependent on smoking. Without smoking, a series of clinical presentations will appear, such as inability to do normal work, weakness, irritability, discomfort in the throat, frequent yawing, blurred vision, dysesthesia, etc.



Excessive drinking does harm to the body, especially prolonged and excessive drinking, as well as drinking with addiction, which make powers of discrimination, attention and memory get lower due to the strong stimulation to central nervous system. In the severe cases, there are serious symptoms, such as lassitude, lethargy, and even paralysis of respiration center. The alcohol addicted patients will have alcohol without reaction if they stop drinking.







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Text /Phone  650-793-9019         

Email info@yanhuangtcm.com


2078 B Walsh Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050

501 S Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5R2jk5geO0X3RnpDtP2AQ 


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© Lei Acupuncture & Herb. San Jose and Santa Clara in California, USA