Lei Acupuncture & Herb, TCM, Sunnyvale, South Bay
Lei Acupuncture & Herb, TCM, Sunnyvale, South Bay
YANHUANG TCM 炎黄中医研治中心 Lei Acupuncture & Herb, Traditional Chinese Medicine
  YANHUANG TCM             炎黄中医研治中心  Lei Acupuncture & Herb, Traditional Chinese Medicine

Effective Chinese Herb Formulas              for Individual Caring 

Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM )makes use of herbs and herbal formulas to strengthen organ function and support good health. Dr. Lei provides TCM treatment solutions with her deep understanding of the essence of various herbal components to create a healing effect that reaches beyond the chemical composition and physical properties of the herbs. She chooses the herbal formula whose essence, or signature energy vibration can correctly stimulate or adjust the body’s energy vibration. 

    For example, TCM solution has shown to be effective at reducing chemotherapy’s side effects, including diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Now, Dr. Lei aims to promote the Chinese national five thousand years of traditional Chinese medicine health culture and benefit mankind. She is offering online consultation and remote treatment solutions.


    KeLeimin series is the natural herb formulae developed by Dr. Min Lei based on ancient Chinese herbal remedies that date back at least 2,200 years. They have been practiced by a large number of patients over the years and have shown highly effective and side-effect-free treatment outcomes. Many patients around the San Francisco Bay Area have benefited from Dr. Lei’s herbal treatment over the years or take to sustain their health. 


   KeLeimin natural herb formulae are committed to carefully picking quality herbs from high-quality partner farms to ensure no toxic chemicals or heavy metals. There's a wide range of automated equipment for manufacturing is utilized in order to minimize human error and cross-contamination. the equipment includes stir-type and basket-type extractors, essential-oil retrievers, low-pressure/temperature concentrators, flow-coating granulators, tablet compressors, capsule-filling machines, as well as packaging and sealing machines. In addition, KeLeimin's herbal medicine uses herbs carefully cultivated, harvested, and produced for peak nutrition and flavor

Only natural herbs are used in our clinic. They are in powder form which can be mixed with warm water like tea.

The herb formula was processed with high technology using low-temperature evaporation so that the herbs’ high treatment effectiveness remained. It is in highly concentrated powder form and can be easily used like your tea. It’s high-quality traditional Chinese medicine made in the USA. 


Natural Herb Formula for Diabetes:

KeLeimin's “Natural Herb Formula for Diabetes” can reduce your A1C to 5.5 from 7.0  in 6 months with a regular diet.  You may enjoy a normal life without worries of diabetes complications.


Natural Herb Formula for Acute Mastitis:

KeLeimin's “Natural Herb Formula for Acute Mastitis” can completely clear the bacterial infection of the affected breast without using antibiotics. It is proven by successful cases that women with acute mastitis can be cured within three days through side-effect-free herbal medicine. The quick effect and safety of the herbal formula make it the No.1 choice for breastfeeding mothers. 


Natural Herb Formula for Chronic Cough:

KeLeimin's “Natural Herb Formula for Chronic Cough” can completely treat chronic cough without using antibiotics. It helps you recover from a chronic cough. It contains natural herbs only. Therefore, antibiotic side effects will be avoided. No antibiotics are applied to chronic cough.


Natural Herb Formula for Gastrointestinal diseases:
No antibiotics are applied to Gastrointestinal diseases, and many people have benefited from KeLeimin's “Natural Herb Formula for Chronic Constipation” and get back his/her healthy body and full energy. 
Natural Herb Formula for Cold and Virus:

KeLeimin's “Natural Herb Formula for Cold” can completely clear the viral infection of your nose and throat (upper respiratory tract) without using antibiotics. It helps you recover from a cold. It contains natural herbs only. Therefore, antibiotic side effects will be avoided. No antibiotics are applied to the cold.


Contact Us

Text /Phone  650-793-9019         

Email info@yanhuangtcm.com


2078 B Walsh Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050

501 S Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5R2jk5geO0X3RnpDtP2AQ 


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© Lei Acupuncture & Herb. San Jose and Santa Clara in California, USA