Acupuncture, in combination with Chinese Herbs, has been applied to help with different types of mental disorders and other common disorders, such as insomnia, obesity, etc.
Melancholy is a common mental disorder clinically, characterized by emotional depression and downcast, apprehension, excitement, loss of interest to outside world, and decline of self-worth. It
may mostly occur in people who have excessive congenital Yin Qi, or are prissy. It pertains to “depressive psychosis”, “depression syndrome” in Chinese Medicine.
The chief manifestation is emotional depression and downcast, apprehension, excitement and apathy.
Anorexia is one kind of the mental disease, mainly seen in young women from teens to thirty years old. But about one third patients may be boys and young men. People in other age stage or who need maintaining body weight due to professional demands may also suffer from anorexia. The clinical manifestations are digestive dysfunction, even loss of appetite. It belongs to the categories of “anorexia” and “poor appetite” in Chinese Medicine, usually caused by improper diet, leading to impairment of the spleen and stomach, resulting in poor receiving of the stomach and dysfunction of the spleen.