Acupuncture, in combination with Chinese Herbs, has been applied to help with endocrine system diseases, including but not limited to the following.
Hyperthyroidism refers to excessive secretion of thyroxin. The mainly clinical presentations are palpitation, excitement, irritability, vigorous appetite but thinness, aversion to heat and hyperhidrosis, dry mouth and dysphoria, accompanied by thyroid enlargement and exorcism. This disease is commonly seen among women, especially middle and aged women. It belongs to the categories of “goiter” and “palpitation” in Chinese Medicine, usually caused by seven effects, or improper diet, which leads to qi stagnancy, blood stasis, fire stagnancy, phlegm congealing, protracted duration of which results in excessive fire impairing yin. Pathological locations are mainly the heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidney.